"A professional cleaning team can be your condo association’s best investment (condos/condos)!"
Property managers and condo associations know that cleanliness is one of the most important tasks to ensure peace of mind for co-owners. The condo cleaning department is therefore a top priority in the long-term planning of the building to ensure a healthy living environment, as are the plumbers, electricians and other people needed to maintain the building. In the following article you will learn why working with a professional housekeeping team is crucial to maintaining a condominium.
1) Well-being at home
What is the real importance of a professional cleaning team for a residential condo tower?
A little anecdote is in order! Consultants are looking at the source of success at Walt Disney World by interviewing thousands of customers about their experience in the amusement park. What was the most popular response in your opinion? Were they rides, entertainment, food, shops, or even mascots maybe? No! The first thing visitors would mention after visiting the park was, "It’s so clean!".
The methods used by condo associations to maintain cleanliness can vary as much as the type of building. A two- or three-unit building can count on the voluntary cooperation of its two or three owners. On the other hand, the vast majority of condo associations hire professionals for regular maintenance and emergency cleaning, with a range of tasks that can vary considerably.
2) A Custom Cleaning Plan
"We are the eyes and ears of the property! In some cases, we even order routine supplies such as bathroom supplies, light bulbs, etc."
A typical task list includes vacuuming carpets in hallways and other common areas, cleaning and checking equipment in laundry rooms as well as in training rooms, bathrooms, reception rooms and even outdoor spaces.
At NetCorp, we also take care of taking out garbage cans, picking up debris, as well as some more specialized work such as pressure washing or cleaning of exterior windows. Carpet cleaning is important for the appearance of any property, and most associations program it at least once or twice a year - or more often if they can afford it.
As our team members are on site on a regular basis, we are able to follow up on other aspects that require special attention, beyond just cleaning. The work does not start and end with the common areas. When cleaning staff perform important tasks, such as cleaning carpets or washing windows and much more.
3) Peace of Mind of the Board of Directors
At the end of the day, the board of directors of a residential building has to decide exactly what tasks they want to see covered by a professional service and then negotiate with a number of housekeeping companies. Different companies can offer different services, and to cover all bases, more than one company may be needed.
The cleaning industry often does not involve a large profit margin. Success lies in long-term customer loyalty. Sometimes it takes a lot of time for a condominium board to realize that it’s getting value for money. On the other hand, some boards know very well that it takes money for things to be properly maintained!
Most boards or managers will keep you if they are satisfied with your work, with services sometimes extending for years without anyone renewing the original contract. On the other hand, he points out, some condominium boards issue a call for tenders every year, especially when board members change.
4) Much More Than Simple Cleaning!
Professional cleaners regularly perform minor repairs and cleanups, and some do major rehabilitations and even disaster cleanups. When residential units, or any other building, are so severely damaged, there is a whole level of professional cleaners who are exclusively responsible for cleaning and restoring fire-damaged properties, flooding, mould or biological hazards.
The key to disaster cleaning - as it is called - is the speed of reaction, such as cleaning and restoring properties damaged by fire, water, mould or biological hazards. We are solicited by management companies, boards of directors and co-owners, as well as insurance companies.
5) Know How to Clean Any Type of Environment
When floors or walls need to be replaced, there is a phenomenal amount of materials on the market, most of which are focused on ease of installation, quick cleaning and competitive prices.
Carpets or carpets are actually very practical, as long as it is a good commercial quality, that it is installed correctly. and with few seams. Dark colours and slab carpets are recommended, because in case of damage such as tears or burns, the slabs can be removed individually without having to replace all the carpet.
On most walls, many painters use matt or low gloss finishes in the common areas, because if the surface has deep damage that needs to be repaired with plaster, the matt-finished paints blend better with the surrounding wall.
What to look for in an incus cleaning company, the scope of services offered, response time, quality of service, and communication! At NetCorp, a human being will always pick up the phone. We have staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we can send a team immediately! Finally, remember that no cleaning service is perfect. It is important to inform the company immediately if there is a problem and address them immediately, rather than letting things go and letting small problems become big problems.
If you need a quote, please contact us by email at info@netcorp.ca or by phone at 514-559-6935.